It began good...

It always begins good.  People always put their best foot forward.  It's just the way we are.  We like to be favored by people...some of us more than others.  Sometimes there is truth behind the beginnings and sometimes not.  

But friendships will last or wane as our needs are met; dreams restored or built; balance between dependence and independence established; personal connections made; and trust established and proven.  How wonderful a true friendship!

Of course, on this blog, I mostly speak of late life love and attraction and times dedicated to someone really special.  Rarely do I think of marriage... as I just think that time has passed me by.  

Being alone has its very own 'climate.'  Anywhere between hot and cold...specific temperatures not needed.  We're like the seasons...warming up and cooling off and repeat.  But even the seasons can be shared with one special person if both enjoy the challenge to establish how hot the spring and summer of life and how cool the fall and winter may become.   Otherwise, somebody may split and seek a different climate.  But I personally consider that less than honest.  Relationships and friendships take effort.  Effort can be fun!

We all need to be close to someone and yet to walk our own path alone.  This does not have to mean abandoning one another just means there is a need for trust that can bob along with the eb and flow of life's burdens on us and its exhilarating freedoms too.  And when this is done with complete trust and consideration for one another, not many moments of insecurity occur. 

I have to say that the biggest disappointments of my life have been when trust was broken.  But the most wonderful friendships/relationships/marriage were when trust rarely was uncertain, and my partner's consideration sensed it and explained.  I loved it when my husband took me in his arms and said, "I think you may be feeling uncertain about something.  Do we need to talk"

A rare bird indeed is a man who notices that a woman is insecure.  And even rarer the one great guy who actually wants to take a few minutes to talk about it! 

I'm just rambling tonight but about something really important.  It seems right to say a big, big thank you to friends who were trustworthy; men who cared to be trusted and trusted me; and God who created us and knows our inner workings.

You know, trust is not such a difficult thing to give or recieve.  It's a matter of character.  No one should ever be deeply hurt by broken's just too immature, to distastful, to dreary - without class.  Just don't go where you don't intend to be honest.  And it isn't that hard to just say..."Is this working for us?  Can we talk about it?"

And so as I move on with a special friend and enjoy the time to just learn who we are, I really celebrate the togetherness and our own individual needs for alone time.  I've no doubt that trust will not be broken...that fun times will continue...that maturity will pay off in big dividends...that we will always be glad we met each other.

We're only passing through this earth-life...better things are coming in Heaven or across that bridge.  Don't get embroiled in self-doubt; misleading sentiments; thinking too far into the future.  A day at a joy at a time...every hug and kiss a true caring...the end of every day a time to be gracious and thankful...always thankful!!!

Here's to us!  Trust well.  Consider long.  Pray often.



Latest comments

09.01 | 14:49

You are beautiful Linda. I hope I can be as strong as you when I need to be. I sure do miss talking to Joe. So does Marilyn. He was a good man. Take care of yourself.

09.01 | 04:15

So glad to be hearing from you again. I think of you often.

19.10 | 02:15

I love you this is perfect we will spend the evening together ❤

22.08 | 19:47

I LOVE THAT ❤️ I’ve not seen or heard about your blog....but here I am now! And we gooooo......

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