...have put this desire in my heart?

What's on my mind all day and night is Jesus and God's Spirit of truth and guidance. And why I'm continuously led to be alone in this big world.

You know what I mean. Someone to hold hands with while walking across a campground and keep me warm on cold nights in a tent...a reason to eat 'right.'... and keep moving onward. A reason to believe in dreaming dreams. Somebody to get aggravated at and for whom I would cause aggravation.

I need Jesus more than anybody...but I need someone less perfect too. You know, the kind of intimate friend with skin on. The modern 'nomad' life is appealing to me lately. It's not a substitution for anything I'm missing...and you know my disdain for substitutions. A nomad life would be very modern and new and require beautiful 'digs' to live in and to wear.  Being alone required. Hummmmm.... It would have the biggest front and back yards I've ever had...but no mowing! Low rent, new neighbors coming and going, quiet places for quiet times with God.

We're talking about it...God and me...After 'Wayne' it was backpacking across 21+ miles, the breadth of the Grand Canyon, on foot, sleeping under the stars at night.  After 'Joe', it also has to be somewhere out in God's grand creation....but with a small shelter over and under me.  That's the way I order the continuum of my life...time 'before' and 'after' companionship.  Pretty sure I'll be alone from now until "death do me part" from this beautiful world. 

Life is not fair, but I still choose to find some joy in it!  Somebody/s out there needs my encouragement.  We Believers need to see with our own eyes that we are everywhere; we have each other's backs; through faith we are a mighty force in our part of this world.  I want to find you, shake your hand, exchange a hug, laugh around a campfire, bid God's blessings and remember to count each other so we can assure others that we are never alone...the remnant in this country is huge at this time.  I believe this!

Oh, Lord, lead me not into temptation and deliver me from rabbit holes. Let's strike a dream, you and me, Lord. And make it come true, one country road at a time.  

Latest comments

09.01 | 14:49

You are beautiful Linda. I hope I can be as strong as you when I need to be. I sure do miss talking to Joe. So does Marilyn. He was a good man. Take care of yourself.

09.01 | 04:15

So glad to be hearing from you again. I think of you often.

19.10 | 02:15

I love you this is perfect we will spend the evening together ❤

22.08 | 19:47

I LOVE THAT ❤️ I’ve not seen or heard about your blog....but here I am now! And ....here we gooooo......

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