The Simple Joys....

How joy-filled are the Creator's gifts!!! Within the space of this Universe, we see such lovely, and indescribably complicated creations and scientific systems of awed we are by the work of the Creator's hands!.....

May we all strive to stop more often and admire those creations...from the highest mountaintop to the deepest pit in the oceans; and from the tiniest speck of life to the whole and beautiful person sitting across a table from us or walking with us hand-in-hand....such simple joy!

Oh! The mysterious marvels of just that simple act of holding hands...the warmth, the texture of skin, the strength of a squeeze, the rhythm of swinging high and swinging low the spirit of happiness.  How many miniscule or gigantic systems of life are required to hold the hand of someone we love?  

  • the heart pumping blood to the extremities for warmth and nourishment...hand warming hand;
  • the skeletal system that provides the form and shape we come to memorize and feel even when the one loved is not present;
  • the nervous system that allows the tingles as well as the calm of holding on and the instant acknowledgment that we're joined or turned loose;
  • the vision of the most handsome/beautiful creature in our life...the one we other creation matches, though we love others with different kinds of love;
  • the breath of life that is silent or filled with oooohs and ahhhhs, either of which are filled with meaningful, wordless understandings between two people;
  • the familiar fragrances of colognes, favorite foods, the freshness of a just-showered body - all lingering on the skin and clothing of one we love;
  • our brains that protect by reason...though that is often thrown out the window in favor of the brain's acts of romantic thoughts and feelings.  O, that our minds might not be fooled, but rewarded!
  • And all of this wrapped in the complexities of Kinesiology....that gift of creation that allows the hand to reach for hand...the clasp of intertwined fingers...the power of a squeeze...the sudden change in all the muscles, bones, and ligaments when a sudden, wonderful hand-hold turns to HUG!  All of this in the flash of an instant. 

Because...because the Creator planned and designed us for love.  It is part of our service of gratitude to our Creator that we love, with appropriate loves, those in our lives. When maturity, throughout life, teaches us how and when and upon whom to lavish our various abilities to love... 

...Love begets love.  

And pure love never disappoints for long because just as a broken finger does not stop hand-holding, a broken heart doesn't stop loving...we love more carefully and thoughtfully of the other while healing happens.  

The pure love between two people does not exclude others except in it's cherished always brings people does not build walls, but gently removes each and very obstacle and opens the way to peace. 

We are imperfect by design...did you ever see an awesome tree with knots growing on trunk and branches, or a plant drawn unevenly toward the direction of the sun?  Each imperfection adding to the mystery of creation...not flaws but beautiful uniqueness.  That's me and you...intended to be cherished and nurtured and accepted with our uniqueness...and that's love.

How awesome Creation...and it's CREATOR!

I bow. 


Latest comments

09.01 | 14:49

You are beautiful Linda. I hope I can be as strong as you when I need to be. I sure do miss talking to Joe. So does Marilyn. He was a good man. Take care of yourself.

09.01 | 04:15

So glad to be hearing from you again. I think of you often.

19.10 | 02:15

I love you this is perfect we will spend the evening together ❤

22.08 | 19:47

I LOVE THAT ❤️ I’ve not seen or heard about your blog....but here I am now! And we gooooo......

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