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What is a rock? A rock is defined as a firm foundation or support, or an object offering support.
Everybody needs a rock in their life. Believe it or not, even people like me who are soft and adaptable can be rocks in the life of someone else. And I think I am to a few people.
So, lets look at our human 'rock qualities.' Those fake yard rocks just aren't the same as the real ones. A real rock can't be turned over by the winds of life; though the fake ones can easily be blown in any direction if the wind is strong enough. And the little gravely pebbles can’t be depended upon to stay put unless cemented in concrete. But within our rock qualities, we have a desire to just take all the wonders of another's life and enjoy and appreciate that they add color, rhythm, and security to ours...rocks observe and admire others and offer a place to sit and rest. Somewhat like the beautiful lichen and mosses and scattered Fall leaves on and around real rocks...what a thing of timeless beauty! A rock stays put and though it could instantly and easily crush us, it never tries to break us down or chain us up (a mistake of the worldliest and deviant of people who "use" us...at work, in romance, in friendship). A rock is what I enjoy seeing when I awaken...and what I enjoy seeing across the dinner table...or beside me on the regular, luxurious walks down the Walmart aisles. This rock is called MAN! But to man, this rock is called WOMAN.
Gentle blue eyes, tall and strong, patient and kind. You could write a lovely description of your rock too. With our favorite rock...we like the feel, the shape, the strength of it. Every rock has an aura...the invisible essence of who he/she is...that distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by him/herself. You know, that aura like a rock whose immense summer heat turns to steam after a summer shower...steam that just rolls off it and rises into the air around it. (I study my rock like I'm in science class. LOL) Every rock I've ever known has had a "hanger on" in his/her life...my beloved husband had these kinds of challenges around him...people who have some way of sucking the strength out of a rock. In real life it might be storms or heavy ice in the natural cracks of a rock. But among people, I call them pebbles, loose folks who haven’t the strength to stay put or be strong for others...and they can be a job, a romance, a friendship, a community commitment. One of the worst pebbles I ever saw was a man's commitment to his church which was greater than his commitment to his wife and children. Pebbles are everywhere making the terrain unstable. But pebbles don't really "get" who the rocks are at all. People who use other people never really understand the person's strength...pebbles are too busy trying to exploit their weaknesses into false commitments and attentions. Don't worry if your rock is surround by a lot of unstable pebbles like this...every rock has them. But if you're a rock, be careful that the pebbles don't pile up and hide your strength or hold water and ice around you and begin to make your strength into cracked weakness. Offering the compassion of encouragement to a pebble is most admirable, and may bring wonderful rewards as you might see the pebble find purpose and no longer need you because they have their own strength. (One of the joys of parenting, teaching, mentoring, etc.) But inviting one to reside in your life forever can be the beginning of one's own bending down too far, too often, with sad consequences of brokenness.
How grateful I am that some awesome and free rocks are still around; massive hunks of intellect and honor...others walked right past them or tried to chisel them down. There's a rock where you live, where you worship, where you work and play and study. Men and women who are pebbles waste a lot of time using the emptiness of social stuff...drinking, assumed prestige/positon, smoking, beguiling, manipulating in efforts to bring down a rock. But if we're the rock in someone's life, we set people completely free...freedom is a gift from rocks. Rocks don't have sticky fingers or feet to trip you with. They're just there, dependably, steadily. You can tell that pebbles recognize that you've got a real rock when they act pushy around him/her, trying to show that they can have some control. Nobody knows how many times I dealt with this in my sweet husband's last place of employment. If you're dealing with this in a relationship and you've tried to extend a loving but direct warning...just stand by like a rock and let them have it. Imagine the stories a rock could tell! Pebbles roll away with the rainy downpour and are crushed under the feet of animals and people. Their purpose is just that...they make good walkways...not a bad purpose in life. Or the beautiful landscaping designs from the colors of pebbles. You must bend down to their level though to get one. Ever notice how a pebbled pathway slows you down? The pebbles move beneath your feet, making the stride slow as it would against moving water. But a rock offers firm footing and allows you to get UP and see the wonders around you! How many times have each of us stood on the precipice of a mountain and used the huge, jutted rocks as ladders up to the awesome view...the inspiration of breezes combined with view, thrilling our hearts and minds?
I feel sorry for every man/woman who never stopped to appreciate a good rock or wasted time and energy trying to bring them down by forcing the cracks to form. They didn't know their rocks at all! Nor did they respect the ageless, creative force that created rocks. Personally, I will never want the weaknesses of pebbles or cracked rocks to be the foundation of any friendship of mine. I need to be inspired by my rock...challenged to get UP and be my best! My husband was that kind of inspiration to me and to others. His inspiration called us UP to the higher choices in life.
Rocks are independent creations…and authentic...those fake yard rocks to hide things in just don't feel the same and can be blown by the winds of ego-flattery and false neediness. With respect and commitment in place, and that covered in the realness of love and devotion...being an authentic rock comes naturally. But only those who are willing to stay put and leave the loose pebbles alone can experience this. Real men and women know how to walk away from the pebbles, whether that be a job, a person, a lost dream or hope whose time has passed and go for the gold instead. Others waste their beautiful gift of life on a pebble that makes their walk always risky and full of falls, and requires stooping beneath one’s dignity as they climb the same terrain over and over.
Authenticity as a rock in someone's life is not for the selfish or uncommitted. It takes guts. Though solid, unmovable, seemingly disengaged at times, rocks are the best of all companions...my highest respect for a man or woman who can be a rock or know how to respect one.
Latest comments
09.01 | 14:49
You are beautiful Linda. I hope I can be as strong as you when I need to be. I sure do miss talking to Joe. So does Marilyn. He was a good man. Take care of yourself.
09.01 | 04:15
So glad to be hearing from you again. I think of you often.
19.10 | 02:15
I love you this is perfect we will spend the evening together ❤
22.08 | 19:47
I LOVE THAT ❤️ I’ve not seen or heard about your blog....but here I am now! And ....here we gooooo......